Zen Garden Kits


A Zen Garden Kit is a calming addition to every home or office. . Here at Posh Bananas we love well- being gifts and our range of beautiful Zen Garden kits provide a peaceful and stress-reducing energy. Discover the ancient art of cultivating your very own mini Zen Garden. Use our table top Buddha Zen Garden kits to aid in meditation sessions and to reduce stress and anxiety by creating a peaceful energy through Feng Shui.The Sand represents the sea, stones represent the mountains and the wooden rake is used for tending the sacred garden. The Buddha figurine provides peaceful and contemplative energy. The calming energy will bring balance into your busy life. This balanced yin-yang energy is essential to good health and well-being. Made from quality high grade resin, each set has its own unique differences.
Create patterns in the sand using the mini rake
Rearrange the stones into piles and patterns
Insert your own tea light candles and incense sticks for extra calming effect
Add your own small plants
Perfect as Feng Shui gifts, wedding gifts, gifts to friends and relatives, home decoration, shops,
hotels, yoga clubs decoration.